Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Back to basics...

It is Wednesday morning and I have alot on my plate this morning.

Going through the "Finish Rich" book has told me what I need to do (which is alot). But it is something that I am diligently working at. The program that the author outlines is simple in concept,(If "Smart Couple Finish Rich" isn't for you, try another of his books "The Automatic Millionaire" aka TAM), but you do have to do it. As luck would have it, he was on Oprah yesterday and I am really inspired.

I am kind of in a house cleaning mode. I have some old company shirts that are too large along with other stuff that I need to get rid of. Cleaning out the garage is also something I am trying to get done before Sunday.

Since I am not in the "traveling" mode, I am actually going to have to start thinking about what to take to California next week. It used to be I could pretty much pack in about 15-20 minutes. Now, I am not so sure.

I looked at a house yesterday to buy and want to do the comparables online this morning. I told him I would know by the afternoon if I was interested. This house needs alot of work (which means more profit), but he wants alot too. I think there are better deals out there.

I am excited that I am having dinner with Nat tonight. Just have to think of a good place. She is in town and it will be good to see an old friend and talk about life in general. She and her hubby are buying a new house and I am so happy/excited for her.

Before meeting Nat, I am going to stop by the hospital and see how my dentist is doing. Seems he had an accident jet skiiing and broke some ribs that punctured his lung. Since the accident was his friends fault, I wonder if the friend is going to have to pay for the damages. (Sorry, just a swipe for me paying for the motorcyle accident I had on New Year's riding with him on one of his bikes.)

Well, there is much to do and little time to do it. It is probably going to rain today and I have to get the lawn done as well.

When I come back from California, I will work more on the coffee house, a thought that is never totally out of my mind.



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