Sunday, July 18, 2004

And things were going so smoothly

When I am in a blogging state of mind, I try to catch up on a few blogs regularly.  For example, It's All About Me or Promo Guy's logs are two that resonate with me on several levels.  Nat's had to deal with her G'pa's passing and Promo Guy's is currently in a battle with cancer hitting his family.  I have had alot of empathy for these folks and the challenges that both have faced.
I preface this because my Dad's situation has hit me hard this week and I am a little bit at a crossroads in what to do.
But as always...I digress...
I have been trying to touch base with my Dad several times this week without success. It certainly isn't the first time that I haven't caught up with him. Unlike him, when someone doesn't return my calls, I don't assume that they are mad or upset with me. These days everyone leads pretty busy lives and with his wife seemingly in and out of the hospital regulary, well...returning phone calls may not be at the top of your list.
My third call of the week was answered by my step-sister's (which is weird picking up a step sister in your 40's) daughter. I figured that my step-mom Sylvia was back from the hospital and it isn't unusual for my Dad and her to watch the kids for a bit.
But my Dad was at the hospital with Sylvia. Then my step-sister Bridgette comes on the phone and tells me they are packing up the house and it is going on the market, my Dad and Sylvia are coming to live with them, and some other things that I didn't hear because of the alarming drumming in my ears.
Which was made worse by the fact that less than an hour later, she calls back (under the pretense of "Did I call back") to indicate that do we have a plan to take care of my Dad (and then the drumming definitely was deafening)...

Although I did touch base with my Dad later, I am not confident that he told me the truth in that he was OK with this new arrangement.

So, I am at a quandry...should I propose that he move here with us?

I really don't know what to do. I just had begun to not worry about this situation and it has hit me squarely in the face.

Like I said, things were just going so smoothly.  Oh well, I will deal with it...just not sure how.



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