Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Maybe this pool thing will work...

I have gone up and down about my pool service business over the last 3-4 months. I wasn't sure if it could be something that could sustain one person (which wasn't me), never mind two.

But after sitting down this morning with Robert to see all of the billing that we have going on, I may become a believer.

I really believed in the business last year. But with som many things not being handled the way I wanted them to, I became somewhat frustrated. I always felt like that old story about the hen; "Who will help me plow the field, plant the seed, etc?" (You are probably getting the message) This year, the only marketing I did was the yellow pages.

As luck would have it, we have received some business from that, but more so from doing a great job of over-servicing the folks last year. Word has got around and it is beginning to pay some benefits.

I am visiting tomorrow with the person we buy our supplies off of. I am back in the mode of buying this pool supply house and expanding the business.

I will let you know how it goes.

I have received some calls out of the blue inquiring if I wanted to do some work "on the side" so to speak. I have tried to repel them all. I am focusing on what is currently on my plate, so while it might have been short money coming quick, I decided it just wasn't worth the trouble of dealing with it.

Meanwhile, I have to say that I have enjoyed my time at home so far.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep at it dawg. It took awhile for my business to get up and going. Now I have over 100 pool service accounts.

May 26, 2004 at 2:24 PM  

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