Monday, May 24, 2004

My head is still rolling...

Well, I just got back from a 7 day Southern Caribbean cruise. This is my second cruise and I have to admit, I still have my "sea" legs, as my head continually seems to roll around abit. Believe me, it isn't that fun once you have landed.

I had another blog, but decided that when I quit my job here two weeks ago, that blog had run its' course. That blog dealt mostly with work. That work is done and as such, so is that blog. There might be a few parting shots, but not many.

Well, let's see...what will this blog be about? Well, me naturally. But also about the people who make up my life and the interactions of them. It will probably contain a few thoughts that I only speak to myself (you have to let it out somewhere you know!).

What won't this blog be about? Work. Along the way, it may have an occasional post of my outside busineses, because those are the folks I run across.

Just wanted to get something down to get this blog started. More to come.



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